Search Tag: Stroke

ICU Management

2024 03 Oct

Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability. Fever occurs in up to 90% of stroke patients within the first seven days and is linked to secondary brain injury and worse outcomes. For every 1°C increase in temperature, the odds of poor outcomes and short-term mortality increase by 2.2, particularly within the first 24 hours. Fever has a similarly...Read more

ICU Management

2023 30 Nov

Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) carries a high disease-specific burden. Epide­miological studies have observed a reduction in the incidence of SAH from 1990 to 2019. However, the same trend was not observed for intrahospital mortality. Several studies focusing on the evaluation of SAH management across the world have shown a high heterogeneity in...Read more

ICU Management

2021 15 Jun

The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) was founded in 1970. At that time, there was little to offer for the acute management of patients suffering from an acute cerebrovascular condition other than supportive care. Patients suffering from stroke were rarely found in the intensive care unit.   During the 1960s, 25% of stroke patients would die...Read more

ICU Management

2020 23 Apr

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common heartbeat irregularity and associated with development of stroke, myocardial infarction and heart failure. Vice versa, the structural and neurohormonal changes in heart failure (HF), when the contractility of the heart muscle is reduced, make the development and progression of AF much more likely.  HF itself...Read more

ICU Management

2019 06 Dec

Patients with active cannabis dependence and abuse were nearly twice as likely to suffer a heart attack after surgery, according to a study led by researchers at St. Michael's Hospital of Unity Health Toronto. The study, published in the Online First edition of Anesthesiology, the peer-reviewed medical journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists...Read more

ICU Management

2019 30 May

Approximately 7.2 million Americans 20 years or older have had a stroke. Nearly 800,000 people in the U.S. have a new or recurrent stroke each year. A stroke occurs every 40 seconds in the U.S., and someone dies of a stroke every four minutes.   According to a policy statement published by the American Stroke Association, and published in the journal...Read more

ICU Management

2019 14 Mar

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ICU Management

2017 04 Apr

For stroke patients, getting the right treatment fast is important. A new protocol, developed by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, aims to ensure that stroke patients are brought to "the right facility to get the right therapy in the right amount of time." The new Severity-based Stroke Triage Algorithm for emergency medical...Read more

ICU Management

2016 01 Sep

Investment in company Phagenesis to address swallowing difficulties experienced by stroke patients Nestlé Health Science is entering into a staged, milestone-based acquisition of Phagenesis Ltd, a UK-based company developing Phagenyx®, an innovative pharyngeal electrical stimulation device to treat dysphagia (swallowing difficulty) commonly...Read more

ICU Management

2016 28 Jul

A clinical trial that tested mobile videoconferencing via tablet computer to enable doctors to assess stroke patients en route to hospital found that the system produced diagnoses that correlate highly to bedside assessment. The study results have been published by the scientific journal Neurology . The Improving Treatment with Rapid Evaluation of...Read more

ICU Management

2015 31 Dec

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ICU Management

2015 10 Sep

As time is critical in the treatment of stroke patients, Utah-based Intermountain Healthcare has adopted an innovative teleservices platform called Telestroke. The aim is to test patients for the cause of a stroke and diagnose them for a specific medication within 3.5 to 4.5 hours after a stroke occurs, according to an article in . Telestroke...Read more

ICU Management

2015 07 Jul

New research from Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt (Nashville, TN) finds that an emergency room rapid response plan for children can help diagnose stroke symptoms quickly. While quick response processes have been established for adult stroke patients, researchers say paediatric acute stroke teams are a new phenomenon. The research...Read more

ICU Management

2014 20 Nov

The use of a stroke emergency mobile unit (STEMO) helped increase the percentage of stroke patients who received thrombolysis to break down blood clots within the so-called ‘golden hour', the 60 minutes from time of symptom onset to treatment, a window of time when treatment may be most effective, according to researchers in Germany. A STEMO is a specialised...Read more

ICU Management

2014 02 Sep

Data from a recent study indicated that stroke patients treated at specialised units on the weekend have better outcomes when there is a higher registered nurse-to-bed ratio. The study, which covered 103 stroke units encompassing 56,666 stroke patients, was published in PLOS Medicine . Researchers investigated claims that mortality rates were higher...Read more

ICU Management

2014 23 Jun

The sudden hospitalisation of a family member is traumatic for anyone old enough to understand the circumstances and consequences of a health emergency. For children left confused and frightened by a family illness, two new comic books have come to the rescue, featuring five superheroes called Medikidz who explain the human body in all its functions...Read more

ICU Management

2014 28 Apr

An ambulance designed specifically for stroke treatment improved the treatment time for ischaemic strokes, thanks to specialised onboard equipment and staffing. These are the findings of a German study published in JAMA’s neurology-themed April 23/30 issue.   Stroke leads to disability or death for thousands of people each...Read more

ICU Management

2014 10 Apr

When someone suffers a stroke, a race against time begins, as a fast diagnosis and subsequent treatment can make the difference between life and death. According to a report published in the ACS journal Analytical Chemistry, a team of scientists led by Steven A. Soper is working on a new blood test that could swiftly diagnose not only whether...Read more

ICU Management

2014 12 Mar

As the first hospital in Illinois, the Loyola University Medical Center offers a new high-tech catheter device able to improve outcomes of patients treated for atrial fibrillation, the most common irregular heartbeat. The treatment, entitled catheter ablation, involves burning selected spots of tissue inside the heart with the tip of a catheter,...Read more

ICU Management

2013 15 Oct

In a study, published online yesterday in the journal Age and Ageing , of over 270 patients newly diagnosed with minor strokes or transient ischaemic attack (TIA), only a minority sought medical help within the timeframe recommended by the Royal College of Physicians. This is despite the high profile FAST campaign, which was taking place at the...Read more

ICU Management

2013 01 Oct

The COUNTERSTROKE consortium led by researchers at Karolinska Institutet today (1 Oct., 2013)  initiates a six million Euro EU funded collaboration to develop novel therapeutics to treat stroke. Stroke and other conditions related to a decreased oxygen supply to the brain are the third most common cause of death in Europe. One out of three stroke incidents...Read more

ICU Management

2013 06 Sep

An international study has shown that short-term blood sugar control in patients with diabetes has a limited effect on their risk of cardiovascular problems, such as heart disease and stroke. Conventional belief has been that high blood sugar is a major factor in cardiovascular disease. However, this latest research adds to a growing body of...Read more

ICU Management

2013 04 Sep

A majority of stroke patients have problems paying attention and could be helped by brain-training computer games, a new study suggests. Researchers at Imperial College London found that problems such as difficulty filtering out distractions, difficulty following instructions, and reduced alertness are much more common in stroke patients than...Read more

ICU Management

2013 29 Aug

In the case of mild or moderate strokes, getting treatment ultra-fast – within 90 minutes of experiencing symptoms – greatly reduces the risk of suffering disability, according to a new study reported in the American Heart Association’s journal Stoke. The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association recommends getting to a hospital within...Read more

ICU Management

2013 27 Aug

In the latest in a series of experiments testing the use of stem cells to treat neurological disease, researchers at Henry Ford Hospital have shown for the first time that microscopic material in the cells offers a “robust” treatment for crippling stroke. “In this study we pioneered a totally new treatment for stroke, and possibly for all neurological...Read more

ICU Management

2013 14 Aug

In a study reported in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension, researchers said retinal imaging may someday help assess if you’re more likely to develop a stroke — the nation’s No. 4 killer and a leading cause of disability. “The retina provides information on the status of blood vessels in the brain,” said Mohammad Kamran Ikram, M.D.,...Read more

ICU Management

2013 24 Jul

An astrocyte © UC Regents 2013 One of regenerative medicine’s greatest goals is to develop new treatments for stroke. So far, stem cell research for the disease has focused on developing therapeutic neurons — the primary movers of electrical impulses in the brain — to repair tissue damaged when oxygen to the brain is limited by a blood clot...Read more

ICU Management

2013 18 Jul

Bionic Exoskeleton designed by Ekso Bionics. (Image courtesy of Ekso Bionics.) Variable Assist Feature Offers Benefits for Patients Recovering from Such Neurological Conditions as Stroke Ekso Bionics™ announced on July 8, 2013,  the availability of a new feature of the Ekso ™ bionic suit which enables individuals with lower extremity paralysis...Read more

ICU Management

2013 11 Jul

While stem-cell therapy offers great promise for the treatment of stroke, much research remains to be done to show its long-term effectiveness and to understand the potential for dangerous side effects. These are the conclusions drawn by Henry Ford Hospital neurologists Jing Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., and Michael Chopp, Ph.D., scientific director of the Henry...Read more

ICU Management

2013 11 Jul

Patient in rehab with device. (Credit: Image courtesy of Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center) Stroke survivors left weakened or partially paralyzed may be able to regain more arm and hand movement than their doctors realize, say experts at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center who have just published two new studies evaluating...Read more