• Ian Weissman

    Dr. Weissman is a radiologist from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He currently serves on the American College of Radiology’s Council Steering Committee, the legislative/executive branch of the ACR. Dr. Weissman holds several national leadership positions such as the Chair of the American College of Radiology’s Patient and Family-Centered Care Outreach Committee, and he is the immediate past-President of the Wisconsin Radiological Society. He is the 2023 recipient of the Radiology Leadership Institute’s Impact in Leadership Award for his national efforts to improve well-being in his colleagues. The American College Radiology Association awarded Dr. Weissman, the Advocate of the Year Award in 2019, for his commitment, leadership and dedication to his community. Dr. Weissman is a strong patient care advocate who believes in using innovation and leadership best practices to improve patient care.

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    Email —  ******@***va.gov
    Radiologist Milwaukee Veterans Affairs Medical Center Milwaukee, USA

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