Preventicus - Turning health solutions of tomorrow into today's

Preventicus engineers products for smartphones and smartwatches that obtain health parameters without any extra accessories. The data generated are conclusive to a degree previously only obtainable by physicians. Another unique quality: All apps are medical devices with an accuracy verified in clinical studies.

Did you know?

Cardiac rhythm disorders, primarily undetected atrial fibrillation, are associated with a highly elevated risk of stroke. Atrial fibrillation often goes unnoticed, only occurs with sporadic frequency and therefore sometimes defies medical diagnosis.

Once atrial fibrillation is detected, medicines can markedly lower and almost normalize the danger of clot formation and the stroke risk.

Every life beats to its own rhythm.

Many people do not notice their cardiac rhythm disorders, others are anxious and unsettled by their noticeable palpations. An irregular cardiac rhythm may indeed be harmless, but is just as often critical, especially because those affected find it difficult to make clear-cut distinctions where the boundaries are sometimes blurred. If atrial fibrillation goes undetected and untreated, it can pose a significant risk for stroke.

Moreover, cardiac rhythm disorders often occur sporadically. That is why they are not always detected in the doctor's examining room or on a 24-hour ECG. Conventional 24-hour ECG only detects sporadic atrial fibrillation in around 20 percent of all patients.2 To maintain a greater degree of certainty and your peace of mind, you can personally begin taking regular recordings of your cardiac rhythm, thereby optimally adding value to the diagnostic options available to your physician.

Detect and conquer

If atrial fibrillation is detected and later confirmed by your doctor by ECG, your stroke risk can be reduced or normalized with medication. What is decisive is the regular use of Preventicus Heartbeats: twice daily over a period of at least 14 days or every two days for one quarter as well as whenever you notice heart palpitations.

Studies on small ECG devices for self-monitoring have shown that a comparable measuring procedure can detect a greater number of episodes of arrhythmia and atrial fibrillation than a 24-hour Holter ECG. 3,4

3 Hendrikx, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2014.
4 Freedman, J Camm et al. Screening for Atrial Fibrillation. Circulation. 2017;135:1851-1867


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