Agreement will deliver a series of shared services to healthcare and radiology facilities across Alsace

  • Agfa HealthCare and Worldline are acting as a consortium to implement an innovative solution for sharing medical images.
  • The SIMRAL project foresees to archive and share more than 1 million imaging exams per year, amongst 53 facilities in Alsace.
  • The project is a key component of the regional imaging strategy and future telemedicine projects in the Alsace region
Agfa HealthCare and Worldline, acting as a consortium, have won the SIMRAL (Alsatian regional medical imagery services) project to provide a bundle of shared medical imaging services for the entire region of Alsace, following a 12-month competitive dialogue procedure.
Innovative solution to deliver pooled PACS, RIS and VNA services
Alsace e-santé, the coordinator for a grouped procurement for the SIMRAL project, will deploy an innovative solution for sharing medical images across the region for 53 healthcare enterprises , along with consolidated functions for VNA (vendor-neutral archiving), image management with PACS (picture archiving and communication system) and RIS (radiology information system), together with Agfa HealthCare and Worldline.
"Essentially, with SIMRAL, facilities will share a solution comprised of various services. Each adherent may sign up to services based on their specific needs, using a pay-per-use principle. In this way, regional professionals have access to the most up-to-date imaging technology. One major challenge will be image sharing to develop the regional telemedicine projects. We chose the Agfa HealthCare/Worldline consortium for the quality of their offering, the methodology and their ability to deliver the necessary competencies for this innovative project," highlights Christine Lecomte, Project Director, Alsace e-santé.
Foundation for future telemedicine services
SIMRAL is a major project for Agfa HealthCare, and the first regional project in France with such a large scope, covering pooled, hosted services for PACS, RIS, VNA and image sharing for healthcare professionals. "Secure, immediate and direct access to medical images will allow physicians to improve their follow-up of patients, especially in cases involving cancers or chronic illnesses," explains Dr. Pascal Charles, Manager of Alsace e-santé and independent pulmonologist. "SIMRAL will also make it possible to eliminate unnecessary examinations and to thus decrease the risks associated with cumulative radiation dose and use of contrast agents."
Enabling regional health strategies and streamlining patient care
"SIMRAL represents an ambitious challenge for Agfa HealthCare. We will use our experience with major international projects to ensure its success. The French market can also benefit from these advances, which create innovation in the way they are used. The association with our partner Worldline offers a perfect complement to meet the specific needs of patients' care," says Ingrid Merckx, General Manager, Agfa HealthCare France.
"Sharing health information within a secure environment is the core business of Worldline. Targeted towards radiologists and clinicians, SIMRAL will benefit the medical practice. Worldline, as an infrastructure supplier approved for hosting healthcare data, wants to support regional healthcare strategies and to streamline patient care," explains Claude France, General Manager of Worldline France.

21 January 2014

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Imaging, PACS, Agfa, telemedicine, patient data, IT solutions, healthcare IT, Worldline, healthcare data Agreement will deliver a series of shared services to healthcare and radiology facilities across Alsace Agfa HealthCare and Worldline are acting as a co...