33rd ECCMID 2023

33rd ECCMID 2023

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We invite you to the 33rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, which will take place as a hybrid event both online and in Copenhagen, Denmark on 15 - 18 April 2023.

Selective Pressure: Quiz Show

Selective Pressure will be a competitive quiz show, where groups of 4 persons can apply for participation in this brand-new interactive session. Applications can be sent in January 2023. Members of the ESCMID community are welcome to contribute quiz questions – this call will be open during September – December 2022. All ECCMID participants are welcome to attend this session for an interactive educational and entertaining experience.

You can submit your CM/ID questions to be included in this session now here!

TAE Research Bites

The Research Bites session is co-organised by TAE and SAS members, and aims to increase young scientists’ chances, especially from LMICs and economically disadvantaged regions, to give an oral presentation at ECCMID 2023. Six speakers will be selected for this session.

The Research Bites session aims to provide less experienced and/or economically disadvantaged early career researchers additional opportunities to gain a foothold in the scientific community and to advance in their research careers by presenting at ECCMID 2023. As a part of the preparation for the session, each selected presenting author will be coached by an experienced TAE or SAS member on how to efficiently present their research.

Two speakers of this session from LMICs will be awarded a TAE Research Bites travel grant covering ECCMID 2023 registration and EUR 500 travel expenses.

Who can apply for this session?

ESCMID Young Scientist Members currently in CM/ ID/ IC training or enrolled in a PhD program (proof of training status/PhD status required).

How to apply for participation in this session?

Submit your abstract in the Research Bite category within the regular ECCMID abstract submission system. Deadline 17th October – 16th of November 2022.

A short motivational letter (max. 250 words), a short CV (one page, no picture) and proof of residency in an LMIC (when applicable) are also requested.

ESCMID TAE and SAS members will select abstracts to be presented from TAE Research Bites abstracts submitted for ECCMID 2023 and notify selected authors by the end of November 2022.

Important: abstracts submitted but not accepted for the TAE Research Bites session will be considered and reviewed with the ECCMID 2023 regular abstracts.

ePoster flash session

ePoster flash sessions will replace the mini-oral flash session from ECCMID 2022. During this session, speakers will present posters submitted for ECCMID 2023 projected on the screens in the arenas. These short presentations are meant to encourage discussion and networking among speakers and the audience.

Scientific Programme

ECCMID has become one of the most comprehensive and influential congresses in the field of infection and an exciting networking place bringing together >14,000 colleagues from all over the world. The Scientific Programme is built by the ECCMID Programme Committee (EPC), an independent group of experts representing all disciplines related to Clinical Microbiology, Infectious Diseases, Infection Control and Prevention and Public Health. Under the leadership of the ECCMID Programme Director, the ECCMID programme is built in several phases.

The Invited Programme usually hosts >100 sessions of different formats (Keynote Lectures, 1h and 2h Scientific Symposia, Educational Workshops, and Meet-The-Expert Sessions. These are complemented by special sessions such as the Open Forum and other ad hoc formats. Proposal for the Invited Programme are received from ESCMID study groups, ESCMID affiliated/partner societies and ESCMID committees, and of course from EPC members themselves. The Invited Programme cycle typically starts in April with opening the call for session proposals and ends in late Summer with confirmation of most speakers. The invitation of Chairs take place around the New Year.

The second phase consists of the Abstract Programme. Its cycle starts with opening the call for abstract submission in the Autumn. Abstracts are first evaluated by hundreds of expert reviewers, then carefully reviewed by the EPC, and accepted abstracts are allocated into poster and oral sessions. Decisions regarding abstracts are usually communicated to submitters early in the year and the acceptance rate is around 70%. Invitation of chairs follows shortly thereafter. Oral sessions have the format of 1-hour or 2-hour sessions, allowing full or flash presentations of research studies and clinical cases. All posters are presented online while paper poster presentations are available for on-site attendees.

The late-breaking abstract cycle typically take place closer to the congress, around February/March and allows the consideration and inclusion of new and exciting data, not available during the regular call. Particular focus is placed on new drugs, data emerging from clinical trials and public health emergencies. Recently, due to COVID-19, late submission of abstracts to regular categories was also allowed.

The ECCMID programme spans the entire range of topics in the field of infection, and its invited and abstract programmes are organised according to scientific topics and subtopics, allowing every participant to have a comprehensive educational and networking experience.

Last but not least is the Integrated Programme, featuring scientific sessions developed by ECCMID’s industry sponsors. The Integrated Programme is of an educational non-promotional nature and its content is being controlled and approved by the EPC throughout the entire cycle of session development as well as in its delivery via appointment of an independent chair.

In case of any questions related to the Scientific Programme, the schedule or the session formats, please contact: science[at]escmid.org

Registration Available

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