MEDICA 2017 is the leading international trade fair for medical industry where latest technologies, knowledge sharing experience among thousands of participants will be explore. It is the once a year unique opportunity to meet professionals and research the current universal innovation of the medical industry at one stop.


Hall 9 / E05-2

Hall 03 Stand 3AD02-7

Hall 9 D41

Hall 9 / D05


Hall 10 / A22





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13 - 16 November 2017 in Düsseldorf - Be part of the No.1!

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Focal Topic 2017:
"Chances and Challenges of E-Health"

Deutscher Krankenhaustag (DKT)
(CCD East)

"Hospitals in a new era"

The conference laguage is German!

The conference of the German Hospital Conference Association (Gesellschaft Deutscher Krankenhaustag DKT) is - along with the specialist trade fair - one of the pillars of MEDICA. The leading communication platform for German clinics is magnet for hospital decision makers, doctors and medical experts from all areas. The Hospital Conference is a forum for information and debate among the different professional groups that are working at hospitals. Numerous lectures about healthcare politics and professional practice at the hospital shed light on current structural and financial challenges for the healtcare inndustry.

The 40th German Hospital Conference (Deutscher Krankenhaustag DKT) under the focal topic "Hospitals in a new era" takes place alongside MEDICA from 13th (Monday) to 16th (Thursday) November 2017 in the Congress Center Düsseldorf (CCD Ost/East).

Agenda of the German Hospital Day (DKT) 2017

The MEDICA MEDICINE + SPORTS CONFERENCE was established in 2013 at MEDICA, the world´s largest medical trade show with around 130,000 visitors and 5,000 exhibitors. The conference has been one of the highlights of MEDICA for the past four years and will once again take place during MEDICA 2017. The 5th MEDICA MEDICINE + SPORTS CONFERENCE will be held on 14 - 15 November in Düsseldorf, Germany.

The conference has been established as the leading interdisciplinary exchange platform between international sports medicine experts, professional athletes and sport techies, the sporting goods and healthcare industries. This platform fosters new exchange formats, new sport medical therapies and innovative products for prevention, recovery and population health management.

During two consecutive days, international sports medicine experts present the latest innovations and approaches in sports medicine. The conference consists of 8 sessions covering a wide variety of important topics in the field as well as a Guided Innovation Tour through the MEDICA trade show

14 - 15 November 2017
Tuesday - Wednesday

Congress Center Düsseldorf Süd
CCD Süd / CCD South

Show Venue & Arrival

The European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM)

invites you to the IMPO Conference

Prevention as an Hospital Activity

Prevention in health care exists since long but more as a side product or process of hospital care and not as a core activity of the hospital.

Beginning 21st century prevention became more on the forefront together with the increased attention for quality and patient safety. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) defined patient safety as “the prevention of harm to patients”.
The financial crisis has pushed also the agenda for preventing (financial) risks in health care.
The concept of preventive healthcare is growing, claiming its place aside more traditional activity spaces of the hospital, like cure & care, RD & technology, education & training…. In the United States, the Affordable Care Act has an effective preventive care plan requiring insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid to provide preventive care services for free. In Europe, the initiatives on hospital level have until now been limited and fragmented.

Being concerned with the hospital of the future, the EAHM wants to push the agenda forward with this conference and other activities towards an integrated approach on prevention, based on the IMPO-model and the activity spaces of hospitals, focusing on the impact of prevention on the outcomes and processes of the hospital as well as on the necessarily necessary inputs and steering, supporting and guiding the appropriate implementation of prevention with the hospital.

During this conference, participants will learn about deployment and integration of tools, and techniques in the context of prevention.

Advanced initiatives including the management perspective will be presented, stressing the preventive role of the hospital, embedded in a regional approach as well as contributing to the health care systems.
This conference will show that prevention deserves a more prominent place in the activity of the hospital. Furthermore prevention contributes better in the outcomes of the hospital and the health care system when supported by a managerial, integrated and networked approach.


Hospital directors and Healthcare executives, medical and nursing directors, financial and quality managers



13:00 Registration
14:00 Welcome & Opening Address, Gerry O’Dwyer, President of the EAHM
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Jacques Scheres, President of the Subcommittee European Affairs – EAHM
14:15 Prevention as a pillar in Hospitals of the future: an IMPO approach, Willy Heuschen, Secretary General of the EAHM
14:40 Design follows function- how promoting resilience through environment and by technical tools, Iris Meyenburg-Altwarg, Managing Director, MHHannover, Germany – President of the ENDA
15:10 Prevention of health care associated infection and antimicrobial resistance: a new management approach, Professor José Artur Paiva, Department of Clinical Pathology, Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
15:40 Improving Dutch diabetes care by networking and the preventive role of the hospital, Prof. Dr. Nicolaas Schaper, MUCM Maastrich, the Netherlands
16:10 Significant improvement in the patient and health care systems outcomes due to an adapted management of blood transfusion, Prof. Dr. Axel Hofmann, Zürich, Switzerland & Perth Australia
16:40 Prevention in an area : the example of the hospital group Champagne Sud , Philippe Blua, CEO, hôpital de Troyes, France
17:10 Reduced risks and generated economical benefits through process related standardization in an Intensive Care Unit – a lesson of networking, Dr. med Michael Sasse, Oberarzt an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover , President of the network of pediatric IC NorthGer, Germany
17:40 Conclusion and end of the conference

IMPO model

During this workshop we will use the IMPO-model which is based on the experience of hospital managers brought together by the European Association of Hospital Managers. The IMPO-model consists of 4 interconnected pillars: the aim is to ensure the Outcomes through Processes steered by the Management, given the (external) Inputs to the organization.
For more information on the IMPO-model, please consult the page:

Practical information

  • This IMPO-Conference takes place on November 15th 2017 at 13:00, during Medica in Düsseldorf.
  • This event is free of charge for members of the EAHM but requires online registration at Other persons can join the conference by sending a request to [email protected].
  • Your registration will be confirmed by email together with practical information.
  • The conference will be translated simultaneously into English, German and French.
    This conference has been made possible with the support of our Core Partners.

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