ESC 2014

ESC 2014

ESC Congress 2014, 30 August - 3 September 2014, Barcelona
The spotlight of this year's congress captures innovations in scientific discovery, clinical practice, technology, education and importantly in applications to clinical care.
Cardiology is evolving rapidly and it is critically important to keep up to date, not only in the areas of our special interests but also in what is happening elsewhere across the spectrum of cardiovascular disease.
Stay tuned for upcoming news!






Topics & Villages; Key speakers

Most scientific sessions, except satellite symposia are arranged by topics in themed Villages.

Central Village:

Hot Topics / Special Sessions / The Hub / Posters

Village 1:

Cardiac Imaging / e-Technology

Village 2:

Basic Science

Village 3:

Hypertension / Pharma

Village 4:

Valvular Disease / Pulmonary Circulation / Myocardial-Pericardial Disease / Congenital Heart Disease & Paediatric Cardiology

Village 5:

Interventions / Peripheral Circulation / Stroke / Surgery

Village 6:

Heart Failure / LV Dysfunction

Village 7:

Ischaemia / CAD / ACC / ACS

Village 8:

Prevention / Rehabilitation / Sports / Nursing

Village 9:

Arrhythmias / Pacing / Resynchronisation

Central Village: Hot Topics / Special Sessions / The Hub / Posters

What happens in Central Village?

This is the place where special and interactive sessions take place, designed to cross the boundaries of specialty interests. 
We start with the Inaugural Session and then the 2014 ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines, Hot Lines, Joint Sessions, the new Global Focus Sessions and the Highlight Session.

The Hub is the heart of interaction!
Located in Central Village, the “Hub” of the congress provides a novel and innovative way of engaging with the audience and this year we will have four circular and open sided venues.
The place to visit for Live Scientific Exchange: this is where the “Rapid Fire” abstract sessions, the clinical case sessions and special tracks such as the ESC Cardiologists of Tomorrow track, the Day with the Legends, the Meet the Trialists’ sessions as well as many other interactive sessions will take place.

Be there and take part!

VILLAGE 1: Cardiac Imaging / e-Technology

J L Zamorano Gomez, FESC - Madrid, ES

Come and see cutting edge innovation in imaging!
We will feature the critical role of the different imaging modalities for better diagnosis, for guiding therapy and assessing prognosis.

  • Imaging in coronary artery disease
  • Imaging adding prognostic information
  • Imaging in clinical practice
  • What imaging can offer

Nuclear cardiology, CMR & CT
Scintigraphy (SPECT)
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR)
X-ray Computed tomography (CT)
Multimodality / hybrid imaging, other imaging
Health economics and comparative effectiveness research

Echocardiography / Doppler
Echo-ventricular function and myocardial diseases
Echo-valvular heart disease
Echo-contrast / tissue characterisation
Stress echo
Echo / Doppler, other
3-D echo

ECG, arrhythmia analysis, signal processing
Imaging hardware, imaging standards, image processing
Image databases, image data transmission, image analysis
Telemedicine in cardiology
Hospital information systems
e-Cardiology other

Village 2: Basic Science

A R Pries, FESC - Berlin, DE

In the Basic Science Village leading scientists from Europe and the whole world present the newest results and perspectives in basic and translational cardiovascular research.

  • Cutting edge cardiovascular science
  • Discussion and debate
  • Meet the leading experts
  • Get new ideas for your own research

Cardiovascular system (patho)physiology
Developmental biology
Cardiovascular anatomy and pathology
Integrative physiology and control mechanisms
Stem cells and cell therapy
Genetics and gene therapy

Cardiac cellular biology
Metabolism and metabolic syndromes
Ischaemia and protection
Hypertrophy, cell cycle and apoptosis
Growth factors, neurohormones and signal transduction-cardiac
Excitation-contraction coupling and contractile remodelling
Ion channels and electrophysiology
Cardiac biology, other

Vascular biology
Endothelial function
Inflammation, growth factors and signal transduction- vascular
Vascular remodelling
Vascular biology, other

VILLAGE 3: Hypertension / Pharma

F Ruschitzka, FESC - Zurich, CH

Newly released guidelines in Europe, as well as the United States, stand to simplify the management of hypertension. In the hypertension Village you find guidance to how these new recommendations are best translated into daily clinical practice, particularly with regards to new treatment thresholds, goals, medications and the role of novel device-based therapies.

  • Novel drugs and interventions in hypertension
  • Resistant hypertension
  • Renal denervation therapy – hope or hype?
  • Drug of first choice

Autonomic nervous system and humoral regulations
Haemodynamics, heart and hypertension
Treatment of hypertension
Devices / interventions
Ambulatory pressure monitoring
Hypertension: regional and ethnic profiles
Hypertension, diet, other

Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy
Drug therapy, pharmacogenomics
Guidelines and implementation in low resource settings

VILLAGE 4: Valvular Disease / Pulmonary Circulation / Myocardial-Pericardial Disease / Congenital Heart Disease & Paediatric Cardiology

A Keren, FESC - Jerusalem, IL

Educational and interactive sessions providing new insights and knowledge concerning the best ways to improve and combine your clinical skills with evolving new technologies.

Reflecting its diversity, Village 4 covers a large panel of subjects:

  • Cutting edge basic research and up to date clinical and interventional management
  • Novel percutaneous interventions to left and right sided valves, left and right ventricular outflow tract, pericardium and pulmonary vasculature
  • Controversies and interactive problem oriented case discussions
  • Diagnosis and management of cardiac problems related to pregnancy, and systemic diseases
  • New guidelines and their application

Valvular disease
Aortic valve disease
Mitral valve disease
Aortic valve interventions
Mitral valve interventions
Valvular other and rheumatic disease
Valvular imaging

Pulmonary circulation
Acute pulmonary embolism
Chronic pulmonary hypertension
Right ventricular function
Pulmonary circulation, imaging, other

Myocardial-Pericardial disease
Pericardial and myocardial disease / tumours, other
Infectious, parasitic and nutritional diseases
Myocardial-pericardial imaging

Congenital heart disease / Paediatric cardiology
Morphology, pathology and genetics
Grown-up congenital heart disease and surgery
Congenital, fœtal heart disease and intervention
Congenital heart disease imaging
Adult congenital heart disease
Pregnancy and heart disease
Paediatric cardiology, other

VILLAGE 5: Interventions / Peripheral Circulation / Stroke / Surgery

J-P Collet, FESCParis, FR

We have designed sessions to keep you up-to-date on how innovation changes daily practice in intervention and also to present a collaborative 360º view of intervention and surgery.

  • Latest about valve intervention
  • Hot topics in drugs, needles and knives
  • Peripheral circulation: much more than you thought
  • Circulation includes the brain

Coronary circulation
Physiology, haemodynamics and microcirculation
Invasive and functional coronary imaging
Non-invasive coronary imaging
Vulnerable plaque

Interventional cardiology
PCI: pre-clinical studies
PCI / stents: devices and technique
PCI: procedural complications
PCI: primary PCI, patient subsets, other
PCI: long-term outcome
Non coronary cardiac interventions
Renal denervation

Peripheral circulation / stroke
Pathophysiology, epidemiology
Imaging for peripheral disease
Medical treatment
Percutaneous / endovascular treatment
Carotid disease

Cardiovascular surgery
Coronary surgery
Mitral valve surgery
Aortic valve surgery
Minimally invasive and robotic surgery
Aorta, peripheral arterial and venous surgery
Circulatory assist and other

VILLAGE 6: Heart Failure / Left Ventricular Dysfunction

G S Filippatos, FESC - Athens, GR

In the Heart Failure Village we present a comprehensive overview on the current management of the syndrome as well as specific sessions to explore neglected areas where limited evidence to guide clinical management exists (cancer, pregnancy, elderly, renal failure...)
Sessions on new biomarkers, new devices and novel medical therapies summarize the state-of-the art knowledge and latest updates. They provide take-home messages ready to be implemented in everyday clinical practice.

Heart failure / Left Ventricular dysfunction
Pathophysiology and diagnosis
Pharmacologic therapy
Cardiotoxicity of drugs
Medical aspects of transplantation
Basic mechanisms
Cardiac surgery
Diastolic dysfunction
Ventricular function / haemodynamics
Peripheral circulation, metabolism and skeletal muscle
Heart failure, other

VILLAGE 7: Ischaemia / Coronary Artery Disease / Acute Cardiac Care / Acute Coronary Syndromes

S D Kristensen, FESC - Aarhus N, DK

Acute cardiac care: learn about optimal resuscitation and treatment of cardiogenic shock.

Coronary artery disease: from stable disease to life-threatening acute coronary syndromes

  • Resuscitation and shock – how do we improve outcome
  • Use of new anti-thrombotic drugs
  • Clinical trials with register follow-up
  • When and how to perform intervention

Thrombosis and platelets, microcirculation
Platelets and antiplatelets therapy
Thrombosis and coagulation
Inflammation and immunity
Microcirculation and collaterals

Ischaemia / ACS / infarction
Ischaemia, experimental studies
Angina pectoris stable
Angina pectoris unstable
Infarction acute phase STEMI
Infarction acute phase non STEMI
Post infarction period
Adjunctive medical therapy
Antithrombotic agents and thrombolysis
CAD and comorbidities

Acute cardiac care
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation)
Prehospital cardiac care
Acute cardiac care in the emergency department
Acute intensive cardiovascular care

VILLAGE 8: Prevention / Rehabilitation / Sports / Nursing

M C Deaton, FESC - Manchester, GB

Our sessions address the global challenge of prevention through debates and discussion on current controversies in lipid treatment, salt consumption, obesity, and management of athletes with cardiovascular abnormalities.

We present the latest evidence to improve prevention in diverse groups, detect early atherosclerosis, manage sexual dysfunction and psychosocial stress, confront the challenges of aging populations and air pollution, and provide guidance on implementing best practice for patients with diabetes, and lipid disorders.

  • What should be the cut-off point for statin treatment, and should you recommend fixed dose or focus on LDL-C goals?
  • Does exercise training work for patients in the real world?
  • Is the new Nordic diet better than the Mediterranean diet?
  • Is pharmacogenetics ready for clinical practice?

Physical activity and sports cardiology
Exercise testing and training
Sports cardiology
Physical activity

Cardiovascular risk assessment
Risk scores

Prevention and rehabilitation
Cardiovascular prevention: interventions and outcomes
Cardiovascular rehabilitation: interventions and outcomes

Epidemiology and health policy
Epidemiology, lipids
Psycho-social, economic, cultural
Environment and CV diseases
Public health and health policy

Diabetes, metabolic syndromes
Diabetes, dysglycaemia and metabolic syndrome
Diabetes management

Nursing and primary care / Allied health professionals
Acute nursing care
Chronic nursing care
Primary care

VILLAGE 9: Arrhythmias

C Leclercq, FESC - Rennes, FR

The management of cardiac arrhythmias is continuously improving with new strategies in many situations: syncope, sports, atrial fibrillation… but also with new diagnostic and therapeutic options. Visit Village 9 to be updated to the modern management of arrhythmias, enhance your knowledge and your daily practice.

  • Innovation in cardiac pacing leadless pacemaker
  • Antiarrhythmic gene therapy
  • Debate on innovative strategies in electrophysiology
  • Arrhythmias and sports

Arrhythmias / Pacing / Resynchronisation
Mechanisms of arrhythmias
Genetic aspects of arrhythmias
Electrocardiography / cardioversion / defibrillation
Non invasive studies
Invasive electrophysiological studies
Atrial Fibrillation (AF)
Supraventricular arrhythmias (excluding AF)
Ventricular arrhythmias
Sudden death / resuscitation
Antiarrhythmic drugs
Catheter ablation
Antibradycardia pacing
Automatic implantable cardioverter / defibrillator
Resynchronisation therapy
Device complications and lead extraction

By registering to ESC Congress 2014, you get access to over 500 expert sessions and much more. See what your registration includes here.
Learn more about ESC Congress and discover why it's the place to be: read participant'stestimonials and get the main figures and statistics. ).

Your Public Transport Tickets for Barcelona can now be purchased in advance at a reduced fee together with your online registration. (5 day pass € 25)

Make sure tobook your hotel early to have the best choice in terms of comfort, location and services.

Registration Fees

Registration fee in Euros
(21% VAT included, subject to change)



Until 31.05.2014

to 31.07.2014

to 18.08.2014


Fee types

Early fee

Late fee

Last minute

On-site fee

1 - Standard

€ 600

€ 790

€ 880

€ 880

2 - Fellow & Nurse Fellow ESC

Included in the Fellowship fee 2014

3 - Emeritus Fellow

€ 295

€ 295

€ 295

€ 295

4 - Nurse and Medical Technician *

€ 300

€ 400

€ 455

€ 455

5 - General Cardiology for Physicians, Nurses and technicians* -Sat 30 August only

€ 55

€ 55

€ 55

€ 55

Day tickets in Euros
(21% VAT included subject to change)



Until 31.05.2014

to 31.07.2014

to 18.08.2014



Early fee

Late fee

Last minute

On-site fee

Saturday 30 August 2014

€ 210

€ 245

€ 280

€ 280

Sunday 31 August 2014

€ 400

€ 480

€ 565

€ 565

Monday 01 September 2014

€ 400

€ 480

€ 565

€ 565

Tuesday 02 September 2014

€ 400

€ 480

€ 565

€ 565

Wednesday 03 September 2014

€ 210

€ 245

€ 280

€ 280

In order to benefit from the above fees, both registration and payment must be made before the deadline indicated.
These fees do not include accommodation, lunches, coffee breaks or transport.
* Proof confirming your status required.

Public Transport tickets

Transport tickets are valid in the Barcelona city centre and surroundings, including the airport, (Zone 1).
Tickets are valid for unlimited journeys on Metro, Bus and Tramway and become valid when stamped for the first time.
Purchased tickets are not refundable.
Tickets can be collected on-site at the Transport Ticket desk upon presentation of the congress badge, however they are not sent in advance.
Transportation desks are open during the official registration hours.

Conditions: please read the following carefully before registering:

Fee includes:

Fee types 1 to 4 and Day Tickets

  • Access to all scientific sessions.
  • Access to Industry Sponsored Sessions.
  • Access to the exhibition of approx. 30 000 square metres. The exhibition will be open on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
  • Access to the Emerging Technologies Showcase Area (ETSA), an exclusive area dedicated to innovative biotechnology, devices, software, equipment, products or services.
  • All participants are personally invited by the President of the ESC to the inaugural session (limited number of seats). This only applies for Saturday 30 August day tickets.
  • Access to the online resources including Final Programme and Abstracts. (Also available via ESC Congress Mobile Application).
  • Access to ESC Congress Content all year long through ESC Congress 365.
  • Standard, Emeritus Fellow and Nurses/Medical technician fees include a 2015 Online journal subscription to either the European Heart Journal (EHJ) or Cardiovascular Research (CVR). Delegates having a day ticket or other fee type can order their journal by contacting the Publishing Department. An upgrade to the Paper version of your chosen journal can be selected at an extra charge € 149 when making your registration.

Fee type 5

  • Available to physicians, nurses and technicians, with proof of status: an official letter signed by your director for nurses. Valid on Saturday 30 August only, gives access to the ESC General Cardiology Track sessions, nursing sessions, inaugural session, exhibition, Industry Sponsored Sessions, ETSA.

ESC Congress 2014 is accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC) and by the European Accreditation Council in CME (EACCME) for 25 hours of external CME Credits. EBAC/EACCME credits are also recognised by the American Medical Association towards the Physician's Recognition Award (PRA). Please refer to the AMA website for instructions to convert EACCME Credit to AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™

ESC Congress is only accessible to certified healthcare professionals, associated press, industry representatives and other stakeholders in the science, management and prevention of cardiovascular disease. By registering you confirm your participation as a delegate from one of these categories and that you will not knowingly allow access to the congress to anyone outside this community, including children (child care service available onsite).

Should you have any queries about the registration process please refer initially to our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Registration Contact Details
Link to contact us
Tel: +33 (0)4 92 94 76 12
Fax: +33 (0)4 92 94 76 10
Contact us

Press Registration

This service is for press representatives only.

Before proceeding, please read the following registration process:

Press registration is conducted via My ESC (Individual Registration / Press).

Free registration applies to press representatives upon receipt of valid credentials and a fully completed embargo form.

(to be sent to [email protected])

Credential: either your ID press card or letter of assignment with proof of 3 published articles

The ESC Press Office will check your credential and confirm your press accreditation by email.

Press registration is not available to Industry or its Public Relations representatives, event management, marketing or communications representatives.

The decision of the ESC Press Office is final regarding all press registration requests.

The ESC Press Office will verify the documents and confirm by email that your Press Accreditation is valid.

Further information?
Contact the ESC Press Office

Fax: +33 (0) 4 92 94 86 69
Contact us

Travel & Directions


By plane, car or train... even by boat! You can get to Barcelona by any means of transport.

Useful link:

More info on how to get to Barcelona

By plane

Barcelona Airport, also known as El Prat, is the main airport serving Barcelona in which around 100 companies operate.
It is located 14 km southwest from the city centre and 12 km from the Congress venue: Fira Gran Via

Preferential flight ticket: oneworld has been appointed official airline alliance of ESC Congress 2014. 

Book your flight and enjoy the benefits.

Attendee benefits:

• Attractive flight discounts for attendees and one travel companion

• Flights available from all oneworld member airlines and affiliates

• User-friendly booking tool that will display the most convenient flights and multiple fare options

• 24-hour support desk – reach us by email or phone

• Earn miles and tier status points on oneworld eligible flights and redeem rewards across the entire alliance network

• Frequent flyer privileges, including, for top tier cardholders, access to some 550 premium airport lounges worldwide, fasttrack at security lanes in selected airports and extra baggage allowance

• Seamless connections and quality service on oneworld member airlines

Visit and enter event code OW85A14 to log in as an attendee and access a convenient online booking tool. You and a travel companion can then book discounted flights for travel seven days before and seven days after the event. Fares will be available up to twelve months prior to the event. For more information please visit

world®, the premier global airline alliance, brings together 13 leading airlines from around the world - airberlin, American Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways, Finnair, Iberia, Japan Airlines, LAN Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, Qatar Airways, Royal Jordanian and S7 Airlines. Together with around 30 affiliate members,oneworld’s expanding network currently serves almost 900 destinations in 150 countries.

By train

Barcelona has direct railway links with a number of important cities, including Paris, Zurich and Milan, and the high-speed train runs to Madrid, southern and eastern Spain. The city’s major railway stations and metropolitan rail network ensure you can travel to Barcelona and anywhere by train without any difficulties.

Barcelona Sants Station is the city’s main railway station and most trains departing and arriving in Barcelona stop here. The station is the terminus for the High-Speed Train and many Spanish and foreign destinations, suburban rail and trains to Barcelona Airport.

By car

Barcelona is located 150 km from La Jonquera, the French border. The French motorway network connects to the AP-7, N-II and C-32 Barcelona motorway. You can enter the city via the ring roads or the Avinguda Meridiana which leads to the centre.
From the south, if you're entering from the rest of Spain join the AP-7 or C-32 and enter the city via the Avinguda Diagonal.

Car parks: 
Barcelona has a large number of car parks for cars, many of them located in the city centre. Parking rates range from 2 and €3 per hour to around €35 for a whole day.
There are also paid parking areas in the street (blue zones & green area) and charges vary according to the zone of Barcelona.

By bus

The bus station in Barcelona that has the most national and international connections is Barcelona Nord Bus Station. Buses also depart from Barcelona Sants station and other areas of the city.

By boat

Barcelona has become the Mediterranean’s foremost cruise ship harbour. It has nine passenger terminals, seven for cruise liners and four for ferries. It has connections with the main Mediterranean harbours. Ferries depart daily for the Balearic Islands and there is a direct service to the port of Genoa, Rome and Algiers.

More information: | [email protected]

The congress venue

Fira Gran Via
Av. Joan Carles I, 64
08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
GPS: 41.35448, 2.12698

Get your itinerary from your hotel to ESC Congress 2014.

Photo credit: Barcelona Turisme

An extensive network of public and private ground transportation will take you everywhere in Barcelona and its surroundings, including the ESC Congress 2014 venue.
The venue, Fira Gran Via, has its own train station: Europa/Fira Station.

Accommodation; Invitation Letter; Visa Requirements


Hotel Bookings

This service is only for hotel bookings up to 9 rooms.

The ESC has appointed Barcelo Congresos as its official agency for individual hotel reservations.
Rooms will be allocated on a first come - first served basis.

Consult the list of hotels in Barcelona and book yours early !

The ESC and Barcelo Congresos have selected a number of hotels with negotiated rates and easy access to the Congress Centre. They are either located in the city centre or near the congress venue area.

Interactive hotels map

Rooms are available from 30 August to 3 September 2014. All other dates are upon request and subject to hotels' availability. We advise you to make your reservation early in order to have the best choice of hotels.

Further information?

Contact Barcelo Congresos

Tel: + 34 938 823 878
Email :[email protected]

You are also welcome to contact the ESC for any comments or feedback.

Booking requests for 10 rooms and more.

  • Travel Agents or third party providers working on behalf of companies must submit a "Letter of Appointment" stating that the agent has been officially appointed for the ESC Congress 2014.
  • This letter should be written in english by the sponsoring company or organisation, on company letterhead and signed by the company official representative(s).
  • A request will only be taken into consideration upon receipt of this official letter.
    If a request results in a confirmed reservation and subsequent contract, the rooms can only be used for the needs of the company and cannot be passed on to any other company or client.

  • Copies of all contracts (booking details and room rates) are sent to the company.

To start your booking, click here

Invitation Letter

You may download a customised invitation letter for visa purpose here.

Such an invitation is intended to help potential delegates raise travel funds or obtain a visa. Please note, however, this does not bind the ESC to provide financial support.

Visa requirements

Do you need a Visa?

Further information is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain.

Contact details:

For further information, please contact the ESC Registration Department
Tel. +33 (0)4 92 94 76 12 - Fax. +33 (0) 4 92 94 76 10

Accreditation of ESC Educational Programmes

ESC submits its educational programmes to the EBAC for accreditation.

The European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC) accredits international CME (Continuing Medical Education) programmes in cardiology, such as:

  • Events
  • Internet based courses
  • CDROMs
  • CME articles and texts.

For more information, visit the EBAC Web Site.

Accreditation of Laboratories by EACVI

With their programme of accreditation for laboratories, EACVI are setting the standards in laboratory practice and patient care.

The objectives are to:

  • raise quality standards of practice and equipment
  • be used as an educational tool to improve overall quality of laboratories

  • provide standards against which labs can benchmark themselves
  • be used to reinforce a case for the purchase or upgrade of equipment and facilities to meet these standards

This programme is a voluntary process that must function within national and local regulations. It is designed to apply to all ESC Member Countries whathever their model of provision of echocardiography. This process does not provide a legal framework for practice.

For more information, visit the EACVI webpages.

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